My Wellness Journey

Healing journey was like connecting back to the journey of life, to the flow of life and the current that flows through me. Everything before felt like a fast forward button on my life and now it is a slow windy movie where flowing, expanding, being, doing, creating, living, thriving, everything has an open space to be.

A Transformative Journey

Journey of releasing stored trauma and its effects has been an essential part of my life. It is where I learned that there is life happening within every moment.

From being in between anxiety and depression in all my teen and adult years, I have come to understand that relationship with myself is how I learn to relate to others. The language of sensations of the body is how I learned to dive into my unconscious. The sensations connect me to the thoughts, the land that the body is, has seeds of the mind sown inside it, and the mind too has the reflection of the body and its state in the form of its thoughts. The relationship and interconnection between these two have shown me how to embody a safe environment within.

The consciousness that is imbued in every cell of mine, puts me back into the reality that this body has its own way of storing, transforming, growing, being and experiencing the energy of

Passion for Wellness

Healing is not about removing something, it is integrating. Cultural and Collective Conditioning has a lot of unconscious unprocessed emotions and trauma stored in individuals to repeat and pass through generations. The breaking of this cycle is how we move towards healing, it’s like breaking out of a shell to experience life in its wholeness and not just a perfect structure. The unconscious is how so much of life was running on, the unconscious that had become patterns and conditions. The Unconscious that led the ways of my being and relationships in life. The uncovering and moving through the wild being of the body, the sensations are what I start to become conscious of and the unconscious emerges itself.


Authentic living is not just about the truth or being aware of it. The other piece and the very essential piece are embodiment of the truth, in simple words the capacity I have for my truth and its sensations to move through me and let it move me. The awareness of authentic living is incomplete without the embodiment of authenticity. The transformation, the healing happens in the way we embody our own truth.

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