Culture Reflection with Nikita Chawda
The Culture of Doing, as a prerequisite to Belong and Connect, When we are raising our kids, or even when we remember our childhood, so much of it is based on just learning who we want to be, and trying to learn to do all that how can we become that, or we just unconsciously choose our identities from the environment we grew up in. How did we fail to learn to tap into our existence in the Now and connect to our presence and its sacred value, where belonging is the prerequisite even to start doing, be itself or the other?.
The culture that we live in derives health, be it mental, physical, or emotional based on a few standards, and not just that we derive health on this basis, we also derive a person's value or worth to belong in a group, with this. So much shame is placed upon and then we have the perfect way to pathologize the symptoms that the body shows to this culture of disconnectedness from the whole. Health is more about how whole we feel within our bodies, our mind, our parts, our spirit, our communal nature, our natural world. Embodiment is the relationship to the Whole.
It is such a split of Humans and nature, with the emergence of the colonized world forming its roots in our bones and causing the bar of human supremacy to rise and rise. In this, we do not just view nature as a resource but also our relationship with it is depleted. The symptom of this disconnection is seen in how we dominate and overproduce and do not respect the boundaries it has and view it as a resource and try to find it somewhere as if it is not already in every breath that we receive. The human concept of individuality emerges from our disconnection from the environment, nature as a being that we thrive with, but when we can't hold this relationship with
nature, or should I say we never learned that we need to practice this relationship as it is a part of our wellbeing and overall thriving life.
Patience is the skill we value, and we want to build it, but do we know how to be embodied in patience, do we know how to practice expanding our capacity for patience, do we know how to practice feeling the opening of patience? Patience is not about constricting within and depleting our capacity, to then receive the now, it is not about the desired future but to practice to at tun to the Now.